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In this project, two innovations for in-row weed control will be built, optimised and tested: inrow hoeing on RTK-GPS and abrasive weeding. With this we want to improve in-row weed control and make it more climate-robust in wet periods. They will be compared with the existing techniques.
There is growing interest in the local cultivation of baking wheat. Winter wheat has a wider seeding window than spring wheat and higher yield potential. Depending on the buyer, baking wheat requires a protein content of at least 11.5-12 % and a sedimentation value of at least 30-35 ml.
Blood, hair, feathers, horn, and bone meal are readily available raw materials for organic commercial fertilizers to supplement the nutrient requirements of organic vegetable cultivation.
The main objective of this project is to continue, further improve and expand the service for pest monitoring and alerts specifically for organic vegetable growers. This includes:
The goal of this project is to master the cultivation techniques for both sunflowers as a main crop and sunflowers as a secondary crop following winter cereals. Additionally, we aim to gain insights into the yield and feed value potential under our climatic conditions.
The sudden emergence of black dots, occurring around three weeks before harvest on the apple variety Natyra® worries organic growers and researchers. This year at harvest spots were bigger and we also saw comparative symptoms on other varieties such as Topaz, Rewena and Wurthwinning.
Poultry Red Mite (PRM) is the most damaging ectoparasite in poultry. According to estimates, over 90% of Belgian layer farms are infested. But the presence of PRM is not only limited to commercial layer farms: the parasite is ubiquitous in Europe.
Berry sawfly (Nematus ribesii) is a permanent problem in organic (goose) berry growers. The greedy larvae (bastard caterpillar) can eat all leaves in a very short period of time. As a result, the plant weakens and production loss can occur.
The EU has set a target of reaching at least 25% organic farmland by 2030, which requires a tripling of the current organic area and the entry of 700,000 new farmers into the organic sector.
In mechanical weed control, we typically think of spring and summer. However, there are many weeds that grow almost year-round. Chickweed and annual meadow grass are a couple of examples.