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The aim of our study is to investigate the impact of a native flower strip and hedgerow on the population density of the key pests (lime aphids [Eucallipterus tilliae L.] and rust mites) and their natural enemies (Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae, Syrphidae and predator mites) in tree nurserie
The organic sector can be considered an emerging market. Production and consumption of organic food have grown strongly during the last twenty years, but still the market share remains low, with about 3% of the overall food consumption within the EU-27 in 2008.
Organic berry and fruit production suffers heavily from the lack of effective disease and pest management tools, and from inadequate insect pollination at times. As a consequence, the expanding demand on organic berries cannot be filled today.
Organic farming systems contribute to ecosystem services such as the maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity. Reduced tillage and green manures are efficient conservation agriculture tools that can be adapted to further improve organic crop production systems.
The general aim of the HealthyHens project is to promote good health and welfare in European organic laying hens.
Since 2012 the networks Biobedrijfsnetwerken (Organic Farmers’ networks), CCBT (Coordination centre for applied research and extension for organic agriculture) and NOBL (Network for Organic food and farming Research) forms the Flemish Organic Research and Knowledge networ
The withdrawal of approvals for agrochemicals on many food crops within Europe is likely to generate an increasing market for bio-pesticide products, including entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN).
Organic greenhouse horticulture (OGH)(i.e the production in greenhouses or polytunnels) in the EU should improve its sustainability, production and productivity. Emissions of nutrients and its footprint should be reduced.