The research centers below are members of CCBT.
Click the Research Center's logo to view the contact details at the bottom.
Inagro vzw - Department of organic production

Inagro vzw stands for research and advice in agriculture and horticulture. The organic production department provides practice-oriented research and information for organic arable farming, outdoor vegetable cultivation and fodder crops. Important keywords in the research programme are weed control, variety research, disease and pest control, soil fertility, cultivation technique and farm management. To manage and carry out the research, there is intensive collaboration with organic growers.

Joran Barbry
Ieperseweg 87
B-8800 Rumbeke-Beitem
Tel +32 (0)51 27 32 27
Viaverda vzw

Viaverda does research on organic covered crops, herb cultivation and organic ornamentals (mainly floriculture). Practical knowledge is acquired from the trials, such as optimal choice of varieties and climate setting. In addition to this practical knowledge, the sector also needs more fundamental insights into the interactions between plants, soil (life), plant nutrition and plant diseases, pests and weeds, which may also be developed by the research centre.
Related projects protected crops
Related projects ornamentals

An Van de Walle
Karreweg 6
9770 Kruishoutem
Tel +32 (0)9 381 86 82
Liesbet Blindeman
Schaessestraat 18
9070 Destelbergen
Tel +32 (0)9 353 94 89
pcfruit - Proefcentrum Fruitteelt vzw

The pcfruit in Sint-Truiden has been conducting research for integrated fruit cultivation for years, and the results are often also very useful for organic cultivation. In the context of the project work for CCBT, pcfruit is also conducting research specific for organic pome and soft fruit cultivation. In Tongeren, pcfruit has a department for soft fruit.
Jef Vercammen (Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit)
Tim Beliën (unit Toegepast Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
Fruittuinweg 1
3800 Sint-Truiden (Kerkom)
TEL +32 (0)11 69 70 80

Jef Vercammen (Proeftuin Pit- en Steenfruit)
Tim Beliën (unit Toegepast Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
Renske Petré (bio adviseur ST@F – sterk advies in de fruitteelt)
Fruittuinweg 1
3800 Sint-Truiden (Kerkom)
TEL +32 (0)11 69 70 80
Proefcentrum Pamel

Thanks to the development of new techniques, the province of Flemish Brabant has been able to achieve that organic, fully-fledged strawberry cultivation became commercially feasible for the first time. This first was achieved in the Proefcentrum Pamel in Roosdaal. The supply of organic quality fruit undoubtedly meets a social demand and is also very popular in the sector.

Molenstraat 26
1760 Roosdaal
TEL +32 (0)54 32 08 46
PSKW - Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt
The Research Station for Vegetable Cultivation has been a member of CCBT since 2018 and has an organic plot of almost one hectare with a plastic tunnel since 2020. Practical research is carried out here, mainly with open-air horticultural crops. The research focuses on cultivation techniques and variety selection, the development of new crops, organic crop protection and sustainable soil management.

Sander Fleerakkers
Duffelsesteenweg 101
2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
TEL +32 473 35 35 24
Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij
Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij in Geel has recently started working on the business support of organic poultry farmers. Organic poultry farmers are currently visited on a regular basis, so that the knowledge of the experimental company in this area is increasing. Alternative control of worm infestations within organic livestock farming is one of the research topics.
Ine Kempen
Poiel 77
2440 Geel
TEL +32 (0)14 56 28 70

Ine Kempen
Poiel 77
2440 Geel
TEL +32 (0)14 56 28 70
PIBO Campus vzw

PIBO Campus vzw is het onderzoekscentrum dat verbonden is aan het Provinciaal Instituut voor Biotechnisch Onderwijs in Tongeren. Binnen het proefveldonderzoek is er een afdeling biologische akkerbouw.
Er zijn een aantal percelen beschikbaar waar een teeltrotatie is opgezet, met onderstaande teelten, voor biologische productie. De teelttechniek van deze specifieke teeltmethode wordt verder op punt gesteld. Ook hier worden jaarlijks tijdens het groeiseizoen rondgangen georganiseerd. De resultaten en verdere ervaringen worden voorgesteld in een avond vergadering.
- Triticale
- Korrelmaïs
- Veldbonen
- Gras-Klaver
- Aardappelen
Martine Peumans
Sint-Truidersteenweg 323
3700 Tongeren
Tel. 012/39.80.55

Sint-Truidersteenweg 323
3700 Tongeren
Tel. 012/39.80.55