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Organic production systems differ from conventional ones and therefore, they need a different approach to assess the impact of improvement strategies towards more  sustainability and competitiveness.
Agricultural and horticultural enterprises are faced with the innovation challenge of enhancing their competitiveness and meeting social challenges. In their quest for innovation, farmers’ individual entrepreneurial qualities are often put to the test.
Research and knowledge exchange are important to innovation in the organic industry.
Several important diseases can occur in fruit growing. Two of these, apple proliferation and pear decline, are both caused by a phytoplasma (a bacterium without a cell wall).
Agro-ecology is not a new system but a concept.
Organic plant production is currently challenged by several pressure factors. Along with perennial problems such as weed control, climate change is threatening to affect crop production through increasing weather variability.
The aim of our study is to create a better understanding of the population dynamics  of Thrips (Thysanoptera) in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne).
Manure in organic dairy goat farms will be sampled and nematode prevalence will monitored during the grazing season of 2015. On an experimental farm (Agr-Vet), 20 young goats will be raised and infected with the nematodes found on the farms.
Chickens with free-range access often make limited use of their free-range area; a small part of the flock is usually observed outside at any given time, and those that are outside prefer to stay close to their houses.
The strategic plan on short supply chains created by the Government of Flanders was made to remove barriers and supporte and stimulate the actors involved by optimising distribution and logistics (amongst others).