IPM Trips: Integrated protection of outdoor vegetables against thrips (Thrips tabaci)
The main objective of this project is the integrated control (IPM) of tobacco thrips, Thrips tabaci. These tiny insects are the main pest in outdoor vegetables such as leeks and onions, but also in Brussels sprouts and head cabbages they can cause their share of damage. This is because they feed by poking holes in the plant cell and sucking the juice from the cell. This causes silver-grey spots, and thus damage and growth retardation. Conventional control is difficult because thrips have a short life cycle, and because it quickly becomes resistant to insecticides. In the field vegetable sector, the urgent need for an integrated control strategy, dealing carefully and rationally with the still authorised chemicals and focusing on prevention, pest monitoring and adapted cultivation techniques that stimulate natural enemies.
With this project, we characterise the genetic structure of tobacco thrips populations in Flanders and evaluate the differences in resistance of these populations to the most common insecticides. In addition, we improve the existing warning system by predicting trip activity forecast based on a day-degree model established for the different target crops. We are also evaluating cultivation measures to control tobacco thrips control and boost the population of natural enemies. We investigate the deployment of natural enemies and their compatibility with chemical agents.
We also wish to contribute to creating public support on making limited thrips damage acceptable to leeks and cabbages.
PSKW: Leen Verbruggen leen.verbruggen@proefstation.be
Viaverda: Louis Lippens louis.lippens@viaverda.be
Inagro: Femke Temmerman femke.temmerman@inagro.be