Networks as a catalyst for innovation in the agricultural and horticultural sector
Our world is constantly in motion. Through innovation, these challenges can become opportunities. But introducing a new product, process or other novelty is easier said as done. The necessary knowledge is available, but is often highly distributed, complex and not immediately applicable. (Organic) Farmers may have better access to that knowledge by participating in all kinds of networks. These networks take different forms such as informal contacts, extension-services or a federation. By investigating the role of networks in innovation in different sectors (including organic farming), we can make the networks more responsive to the needs of farmers. This way, we can also contribute to a better use of networks for innovative applications in organic farming.
IWT - Landbouwonderzoek
Netwerken en innovatie: connectie in het brede innovatielandschap? In: De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2011-2012. L. De Cock, J. Van Waes (eds). NOBL, Merelbeke, 164-165
Netwerken onmisbaar voor innovatie. In: De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2013-2014. L. De Cock (ed). NOBL, Merelbeke, 176-177