Reconciling organic and welfare-enhancing practices with emission regulations for pigs and poultry
BOWIE aims to address the knowledge gap on ammonia emissions in naturally ventilated pig and poultry barns with outdoor access, and to provide solutions for ammonia emission reduction on organic farms that are ideally widely applicable. The typical aspects of organic or welfare-enhancing practices (such as access to outdoor areas, lower stocking density, etc.) may influence ammonia emissions. Until now, there has been no method to measure these effects. This project aims to collect data and develop solutions that reduce ammonia emissions, with a focus on practical applicability, especially on organic farms.
BOWIE starts by developing a method to measure ammonia emissions in pig and poultry barns with outdoor access. Two possible approaches are pursued: measurements using a tracer gas and measurements with a sensor mounted on a drone. After an experimental phase, the method is validated and then applied at commercial farms. In addition, the effects of stocking density on ammonia emissions and potential temperature effects in barns with outdoor access are investigated. Meanwhile, in consultation with the sector, stakeholders, and the advisory group, the most promising ammonia-reducing measures to test in the second half of the project are determined. In this second phase, the reduction potential of combined measures is studied through experiments with pigs and poultry.
This project provides a science-based approach to ammonia reduction and contributes to the resilience of the organic sector, which is under pressure from the nitrogen decree. The collected knowledge supports organic and welfare-oriented companies in Flanders by providing data-driven solutions that meet their specific needs. In co-creation these solutions are widely supported within the sector and increase the chances of successful implementation. BOWIE thus strengthens Flanders' ambitions to further grow organic agriculture in a sustainable and responsible way.
Liên Romeyns, Regine Beerplein 1, E305 | B-2018 Antwerpen, +32 (0)485 29 98 32,