TP Organics Science Day 2019

Under the title “Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange – Challenges of the Organic Sector“, the Science Day at Biofach 2019, World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food, will take place from 10am to 3pm on February 15 in Room Oslo, NCC Ost. Participation in the Science Day, this year organised by TP Organics, is free, but registration for lunch is required. Register here until 8 February. Below, you find the preliminary programme of TP Organics’ Science Day. 10.00-10.10 Welcome & introduction Eduardo Cuoco, Head of Secretariat, TP Organics 10.10-10.20 Diversified farming systems based on ecological approaches Lizzie Melby, Chapter coordinator of the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 10.20-10.30 Redesign of food and agricultural policies from local to EU level Karin Ulmer, Chapter coordinator of the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 10.30-11.30 Parallel workshops 11.30-11.40 Coffee break 11.40-11.50 Sustainable food systems for sustainable consumption Raffaele Zanoli, Chapter coordinator of the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 11.50-12.00 Research & Innovation in the light of the new organic regulation Miguel de Porras, Chapter coordinator of the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 12:00 – 12:10 Organics and emerging technologies Marco Schlüter, Contributing author the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 12.10-13.10 Parallel workshops 13.10-14.00 Networking lunch (Please register here before 8 February 2019!) 14.00-14.15 Launch of the Organic Farmknowledge platform Helga Willer, Group lead Dissemination & Outreach, FiBL 14.15-15.00 Policy debate: Promoting innovation and knowledge exchange between researchers, farmers and food SMEs Moderator: Bram Moeskops, Senior Scientific Coordinator, TP Organics Magdalena Mach, Policy Officer, Research & Innovation Unit, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission Hanns-Christoph Eiden, President Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung Marco Schlüter, Naturland Find here the programme as PDF.
BIOFACH - Nuremberg (Duitsland)