Greenresilient – Organic and bio-dynamic vegetable production in low-energy greenhouses
The demand for organic vegetables is increasing, as evidenced by an increase in the amount of organic cultivated area. Winter production in unheated or low energy greenhouses remains a challenge. In Europe, greenhouse and tunnel sections are often intensive, which is detrimental to the sustainability of these systems. But it is possible to develop less intensive systems with attention for energy, crop rotation, local inputs and the use of green manures. These innovations are being developed for different regions in Europe with experimental sites in Italy, France, Switzerland, Denmark and Belgium. Within this project we wish to develop new systems for greenhouses and tunnels (GREENhouses) that are resilient (RESILIENT), sustainable and locally adapted.
Vlaamse partners gefinancierd door Departement Landbouw en Visserij (Vlaamse overheid)en H2020 binnen het COREOrganic Cofund ERAnet (H2020)
Vlaamse partners werken samen binnen Europees consortium met partners uit Zwitserland, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Italië, Oostenrijk, Zweden en Nederland.