Pest monitoring and alerts in organic vegetables
Crop production
Crop protection
practical rersearch
The main objective of this project is to continue, further improve and expand the service for pest monitoring and alerts specifically for organic vegetable growers. This includes:
- Continuation: today, there is a great interest and satisfaction of growers with the current service. To this end, we want to maintain observations on at least two field sites per region and per crop group (brassicas, leeks/onions, carrots/ celery, lettuce) and the minimum frequency of fortnightly reporting via e-mail. In addition, some polyphagous pests and natural enemies present should continue to be monitored.
- Improvement: we want to progress towards a more efficient way of jointly formatting the pest alerts. For this, we use the online platform https://waarnemingen.inagro.be/.
- Expansion: with PCG as an additional partner, we also want to include vegetable crops in plastic tunnels in the warning service. A second action within this goal is to supplement the supply of pest information sheets and disease and pest calendars for organic vegetables.
The target group is organic vegetable growers, both large-scale with long-chain marketing and small-scale with short-chain marketing or self-harvesting system. The planned communication actions are aimed at this target group.
Research institute
Agentschap Landbouw & Zeevisserij
Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt (PSKW)