Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare (PPILOW)
The PPILOW project aims to find innovative strategies for improving the welfare of organic and free-range chickens and pigs. For example, alternatives are being investigated for clipping the beaks of laying hens, killing day-old male layer chicks and castrating fattening pigs. Tools are also being developed that farmers can use to assess the welfare of their own animals. An important aspect of this project is the multi-actor approach: during various phases, farmers and other stakeholders from the agricultural sector are involved in the project to provide their input. This helps ensure that the researched innovations meet the needs of the sector. In addition, the economic, environmental and social impact of all innovations are analysed. Ultimately, this should result in a list of strategies for improving animal welfare that do not negatively affect the environment and are socially and economically feasible.
Dit project is gefinancierd uit het onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma Horizon 2020 van de Europese Unie in het kader van subsidieovereenkomst nr. 816172
ILVO, Bioforum, CRA-W, INRAE, Universiteit Utrecht, Aarhus Universiteit, ACTA, AIAB, Luke, Thuenen Institut, EAAP, Universiteit van Wageningen, Universiteit van Perugia, SYSAAF, FEXP, Harper Adams Universiteit, Slowfood, Junia, CNRS, USAMV, Vanggaard and INRAE Transfert.