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Intercropping is the cultivation of two or more crops in the same field at the same time. There are several benefits of intercropping for an agroecosystem such as an increased production, greater use of environmental resources, protection against drought or erosion.
The project aims to determine the influence of the soil condition on the organic matter management and in relation to this, on the N availability, based on the impact of the basic fertilization and the degradation of the soil organic matter (SOM).
The PPILOW project aims to find innovative strategies for improving the welfare of organic and free-range chickens and pigs.
ISSUE: Packaging waste generated in Europe is estimated at 87 For biobased packaging, such as bioplastic PLA, industrial composting is often used.
The protein fraction in the feed ration of laying hens and broilers currently often consists of soy. Legumes are in theory a locally available alternative.
The Poultrynsect project explores using black soldier fly larvae as feed for organic chickens to enhance sustainability and meat quality. By rearing larvae on organic food side streams, it promotes circular economy principles.
Undoubtedly, a transition toward sustainability has become one of the main societal challenges.
The aim of this project is to gain practical knowledge on the development of a bankerplant system against cabbage aphid. A first phase in this process comprises screening multiple plant species on suitability.
Through the signing of the Covenant on Enteric Emissions for Cattle by the Flemish Government and by various partners from the agri-food chain, the commitment was made to achieve a reduction of 0.44 MT CO2-eq in enteric emissi
Warning systems are an essential component for optimal integrated crop protection. In outdoor vegetable cultivation, we have been using warning systems for various pests and diseases for over 20 years.
Scab fungi, including Venturia pirina, belong to one of the key parasites in fruit cultivation. When no control measures are implemented, the pathogen can cause complete damage to the harvest in favorable weather conditions.
Biologische landbouw scoort algemeen significant beter inzake nitraatstikstofresidu dan de gangbare teelt. Om deze reden wordt de biologische landbouwmethode in MAP 6+ en/of MAP 7 wellicht erkend als ‘duurzame teeltpraktijk’.
In the context of the PAS (Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen), Flemish livestock farming will have to make major efforts in the coming years to reduce its ammonia emissions.